Monday, August 27, 2007

Stress, and lots of information.

Hello there - it's been a while.
Mom and Dad were sending out the questions of "Where exactly are you, and if something were to happen is there anyone that knows where you might be?"
Short answer: no.
So here is a bit of a run down of where I plan on being the next month.
28 - Bayeux
29 - Paris
30 - Paris
31 - Luzern

1 - Luzern
2 - Innsbruck (via Zurich)
3 - Insbruck
4 - Wein
5 - Wein
6 - Wein
7 - Salzburg (via Lintz)
8 - Salzburg
9 - Salzburg
10 - Berchtesgaden
11 - Aachen/Koln
12 - Aachen/Koln
13 - Aachen/Koln
14 - Arhus
15 - Arhus
16 - Arhus
17 - Berlin
18 - Berlin
19 - Berlin
20 - Berlin
21 - Dresden
22 - Dresden
23 - Nurnberg
24 - Munich
25 - Munich
26 - Munich
27 - Dublin


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