Saturday, June 02, 2007

Start of the (apparently) Long Weekend

It turns out that this is a Bank Holiday Weekend; little did I know, or I would have made plans ahead of time to get out and do something. Unfortunately, I found out on Friday afternoon and hostels on the Aran Islands were booked solid. There are a few last things I want to do/see around the city before leaving next month, so I decided to tackle those instead.

Last night I talked 2 of my flatmates (the other is in London for the weekend) into coming with me to check out "the dogs" (no, not prowling Temple Bar for Hen parties - I'm talking about the Greyhound Track). Seeing as the only forms of entertainment around here revolve around drinking and gambling, it was no surprise that the track was packed with people, young and old. There didn't seem to be any restriction (or at least no enforcement) of a minimum age to bet, as kids that were barely old enough to tie their own shoes were pushing ahead of me in line. At least they're learning fractions, right . . .?

Just like at the track back home, there is a large population of pensioners placing HUGE bets on the dogs with the perkiest tail and ears. I don't know if senility gives them some sort of edge, but if the bankroll of the old guy I was standing next to is any indicator, they must have animal telepathy or the like.

The betting system here is a bit different than back home, but is easy enough to pick up on.
On the night there were 11 races, and we all won on at least a race or two (although none of us came out of it a winner). Still, it's probably the cheapest form of entertainment in the city.

Now I've got 3 more days and no real plans. If the rain holds off at all, which seems very unlikely by the look of things right now, I'll try to get out to Newgrange. Otherwise I will most likely see the latest movies that came out this weekend (The Hitcher, Flyboys and Paradise Lost).

Pics from the night


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