Thursday, October 19, 2006

So long London, Hello Dublin

So it turns out that if you check out of your hostel in the morning, and your train doesn't leave until the evening, you have a lot of time on your hands and not many options of things to do (as you have to carry your pack around all day). After a whole lot of people watching, reading a book almost cover to cover and listening to a bit of music, my train finally came. I had planned on sleeping a bit on the way to Liverpool, but had heard we needed to change trains at some point - I just couldn't understand where this was taking place (the English accent is surprisingly elusive). I met an old Irish guy next to me who was going to Dublin too, so I ended up just following him. All in all I managed to get a total of about 30 minutes of sleep on the floor of the 4-hour ferry, then trekked my gear across Dublin because the bus I needed wasn't running yet (at 6am). It turns out that Dublin really isn't all that big; I figure it's about on par with the size of UBC. Also, the story of Dublin having a pub on every corner is not quite true . . . there is a regular store on every corner and the rest are ALL pubs! Honestly, every street has 5 or 6 places to sit down and have a pint of the dark stuff.

The hostel I was at in London was full of Kiwi's, Aussie's and school groups - The people that were there already had their "groups" formed and weren't all that social. The place I'm at now in Dublin is looking like more of the same, only with a ton of Italians and Germans. It's all good though, tomorrow I'm meeting up with Susan and it's looking like we're going to hit up a pub or two.

I'm in a 12-bed room in my latest mega-hostel, but it is cheap and they have free internet. I figure I can put up with it for the week.

As I have this unlimited access to the net, I've managed to get some pics up finally. As I was going through them I realized that I am lacking any with myself in the foreground. I'm not a fan of doing the "out-stretched arm" deal, thereby having a picture of my huge head with some random location behind me. I'll try and work on it though. You can probably figure out what most of the pics are of, but I labeled most of them (yes, I know there are spelling mistakes).

I also included a few pictures of a few cars that I saw parked along the same street when I was walking around Marble Arch (I heard Madonna lives in this area). Also, I overheard a few guys saying that the housing prices in the area were about £2,500/sq ft. I didn't get a chance to get a pic of them, but there was also a Lamborghini and a Rolls Royce driving around the block.

By the end of the week I should have a few pictures and stories from Dublin, but so far it has just been walking around in the rain.


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