Monday, October 30, 2006

Random Amsterdam Thoughts and Observations

I managed to scam an extra few minutes of free internet and thought I would list some of the odd points I have seen around here
- Bikes EVERYWHERE. You really have to see it to believe it
- I saw ONE truck in the past 3 weeks and it was way out in the country on a farm (saw it from the train between Eindhoven and Amsterdam)
- No flip-phones (other than a few rare Razr's), and viseo phones are just starting to come out over here - been out in Japan for a few years now
- All the locals are tall and blonde - apparently the Dutch are one of the tallest groups of people on the whole (women 5'8" and men 6'2" - according to my tour guide, but it seems believable)
- Pay toilets everywhere, but that was expected - at least they are clean (not like the street corner urinals)
- The Dutch speak GREAT English (so much better than the Brits and Irish), and almost everything is bilingual with Dutch/English

I know I have a bunch more written down back at the hostel, but that will have to wait for another time.


Blogger SAS said...

I'm having a hard time procrastinating when I don't have an updated blog to read! Holla!

9:08 a.m.  

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