Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas Party

Last night my recruitment/temp agency was having their Christmas party and I figured it was in my best interest to go (plus, there was a full spread and free drinks from 6:30-8:30). A few people from my new job were supposed to be going, so it would be a good chance to meet them.
When I got there I stuck on my name-tag, grabbed a beer and started talking to a few people. The woman I was sitting beside looked vaguely familiar, and even more so once we started talking and I found out she was from Vancouver (Kits). She only had her first name written on her name-tag, so that was no real help, but it eventually came out that her brother was Ross Rebagliati - they look identical.
I managed to meet a few other people, but nobody from my new office showed up. Once the last call of free drinks ended it was decidedly time to leave. One of the guys I was talking to was going to head over to an Irish pub so I joined him and listened to a bit of electric fiddle over a few more pints.

PS. I made my homemade egg nog and survived, but is just wasn't the same as the store bought stuff...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honey,I worry about your liver.

8:50 a.m.  

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